Sonia Salinas
Dear heart manifest from within,
A perfect world is when you are in tune with your higher self-power. Therefore all that you think feel and do comes to you in a manner of...
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Sonia Salinas
Flidais Destah "Where the Fairies Live"
I like to share from my upcoming book where I am persuading the reader's mind into a self-discovery and delightful involvement. The...
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Sonia Salinas
Beloved hearts,
Life can be difficult at times and this is meant for us to learn to let go or to pay attention to whLife can be difficult at times and...
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Sonia Salinas
To those who are listening,
Creator of the Multiverse, I offer myself to you, come to me, and use my voice to bring comfort, multiversal peace, and unconditional...
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Sonia Salinas
Travel safe!
The Merkabah is an electromagnetic version of you and your vehicle to travel. It is part of your spiritual energy, reflecting on your...
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Sonia Salinas
Divine Humans on Planet Earth,
The real difference between humans and animals is that the animals don’t participate in the Matrix program on earth, it is only your...
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Sonia Salinas
Dear beloveds listen with the ears of your heart…
Let the light of your heart shine; it’s the only light that will dispell the darkness. There will be times of trouble, times of...
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Sonia Salinas
Dear people on earth,
When you allow your heart and your mind to become one peaceful unit without the ego, the label of anything. Then you had made a clear...
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Sonia Salinas
They are here...
Open your mind, soul, and body, to become ready and let go the concepts of the 3D; you had accepted from the movies in regards how...
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