Remember, you are the Sovereign Ambassador, Representing your Starseed Family on Earth.
DNA Activations will awake your
Indigo vibrational frequency
Divine Star beings Indigo's you have come from the Future into the Now Consciousness of the Divine path of Planet Earth! The Palaidia Maji Grail Line races that have been progressively incarnated on contemporary Earth for the past 100 years are referred to as the "Indigo Children " in preparation for the Sacred Mission of the long-awaited 2000-2017 Stellar Activation Cycle.
Who am I, in the multiverse immensity of all,
Even the smallest wildflower divine essence of Light,
Time and space, Infinity within the depths of one's Heart
Timeless is the hour when eternity is ours.
Sonia Salinas
Are you an Indigo?
The term "Indigo Children" refers to the frequencies of the 6th-dimensional wave band, the Indigo wavelength of the 15-Dimensional spectrum. The Palaidia Maji Grail Line Indigo Children are born with the 6th-Strand Template of their 24-48 Strand DNA Template activated at birth, whereas the Angelic Humans with 12-Strand DNA Template are born with three strands of 12 activated.
Divine soul Indigo, open your mind; I invite you to activate your DNA.
Interstellar Indigo beings are here by design and intention; their coming is not the result of some accidental or haphazard quirk of undirected evolution. They are here because they were asked to come, and they have come to fulfill their part within a much greater evolutionary mission. If you are an Indigo, then you have incarnated on Earth at this specific time to become a frequency holder or pillar of light for this planet and humanity. Therefore you will resonate with this and perhaps remember your agreement and why you decided to come here to help the blue-ship called Earth. Through the embodiment of your Indigo potential, you will unite with the frequency of the other Indigos to help the planet and humanity. To Assist in reaching critical mass by raising your frequency to heal and reset the Earth's grids to ascend as a collective to a higher dimensional and more harmonious reality.
How do you know if you are an Indigo?
Perhaps you are sensitive to energies and often look for ways to balance/protect yourself (mediation, yoga, high vibrational foods, energy healing, etc.). Therefore, you can see the hidden agenda behind governments, news and entertainment industries, and other world events. What society calls "normal" seems nonsensical to you (current education, food system, politics, drama, and more.) If you are an Indigo and feel you are serious about your spiritual evolution. Then, these activations are for you, to fulfill your noble desires to embody your full potential by expanding your consciousness and soul purpose of your DNA as an indigo soul.
​Have you ever felt like a stranger in a strange land?​
​Do you feel like you have a mission to fulfill and somehow are connected to the ascension of Earth and humanity?
Do you have highly developed intuition and sensory acuity (clairvoyance, lucidity, lucid dreaming, telepathy)?
Have you ever felt the notion that everything is connected and everything seems evident to you?
Would you experience or hold unconditional love for yourself, others, and all life forms?
Do you feel a strong need to raise your frequency and clear your past life karmic baggage?
Can you effortlessly sense how someone is feeling despite their appearances?
Would you consider the evidence that aliens exist?
Would you consider yourself an alien in a human body since Earth doesn't quite feel like home to you?
Can you feel in your heart a deep longing to connect with your Higher Self?
Indeed, you are an Indigo Soul when resonating with the above questions.
Activate your Indigo Essence
Creating new growth opportunities; means that many of you, interstellar indigo beings, will be able to experience the opening of new roads called Vortexes. These are magnificent opportunities for consciousness as a collective. We will assist the earthlings and everything that breathes on this remarkable awakening to the age of light. To unconditionally give back its power to the blue ship called planet earth. United as ONE, Unconditional and Multidimensional love, to love the divine intelligence of Gaia consciously would be our focal point. Consider new DNA templates and new soul programming within yourself, the changes and opportunities of time and space to free humans from the matrix programs. In the fifth dimension, here and now and forever attend planet Earth in its divine ascension.
Always keep in mind that when you heal your planet and humanity as a default, you heal yourself. Even your mere thoughts will Join a powerful swirling Vortex of Attraction that will create your new realities.
Continue watching the most inspiring Narration
To remember One's Origins.
To enquire about DNA activations,
click the sessions link below.

Will you like to experience or further the ascension process and awaken your psychic abilities to connect with your Starseed family? Then all you have to do is listen or follow your guidance and ask your higher self, for these DNA activations will assist you in ways you never thought possible. You are much more than you think!
Best DNA ReGenesis.com
No content from this site may be reproduced in any form without permission: blatantly copying parts or whole sections from my website. You will attract low entities in your subconscious mind that will take, without permission, parts of yourself.

The sessions can be done remotely; the results are amazing. It doesn't matter which part of the world you live in.
Please make contact us at your earlier convenience.