Sonia Salinas
Creator Love,
The human desire to create and co-create is a reflection of being made in God's image. When you create do so with love! Divine Love,...
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Sonia Salinas
Nova Era
If you look at all the problems from afar, as a whole, whatever is generating the dark forces cannot be there existing for themselves....
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Sonia Salinas
LOVE, is all that is,
The Stargate between Siria and Irak is an ancient connection that goes back from the beginning of the Multiverse between source God and...
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Sonia Salinas
Reality becomes,
Aging is a program of mind control; DNA doesn't contain aging. It's a perpetual lie that humans believe that people die of old age...
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Sonia Salinas
Divine Source God,
A Â Declaration of the Light stated that the new era of the golden light is now a reality. All that is now in the Multiverse is Divine,...
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Sonia Salinas
Divine Eclipse full of love and light,
Did you know that all regressive negative beings are against the Golden Age and actually cannot create anything but through human...
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Sonia Salinas
Divine Christos Souls,
You will be free when you understand that the confinement you experience in life is made out of your own thoughts. Each human has 12 DNA...
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Sonia Salinas
Love Is All!
The outer reflects the inner world. Did you know that 99% of experiences in one's reality are created at a subconscious level; if you are...
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Sonia Salinas
A message to all messengers,
Today, I wish to thank you, my beloved and Divine angel who guards the Divinity and light of my being. The creator of all sources of the...
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Sonia Salinas
Greetings to all Souls,
Thou Mighty, Majestic Christ Power, now grown to Full Stature! We salute Thee by the Sign of the Heart and Head, accepting the Fullness...
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