Remember, you are the Sovereign Ambassador, Representing your Starseed Family on Earth.
What are the dimensions of Ascension?
We can take advantage of the available wave light frequencies and be part of this,
Magnificent life force.
What are Dimensions?
Dimensions are not places or locations; they’re levels of consciousness that vibrate at a certain rate. There are numerous dimensions; the fourth and fifth are simply higher than those in which we’ve been living. Once we move and are part of the Ascension, we would move into even higher dimensions even after we’ve reached the fifth.

Each dimension vibrates at a higher rate than the one below. There is a more accurate, broader perspective of reality in each higher dimension, a higher level of knowledge. We experience more freedom, higher power, and more opportunity to create realities. Understand that the whole structure of reality is collapsing, including time “the 24 hours a day“ as you know it. While a new timeless parallel reality is emerging. From a higher point of view, closer to the absolute, one is the Source's grade of total consciousness. The one that understands and includes everything. And the degrees of consciousness is only the result of the self-imposed limitations of that Whole. What would be a point of attention-consciousness called an eternal " the soul." The degree of consciousness is a self-contained point of attention with self-imposed limits by the attachments of perception that a person's consciousness has.
* Occurring among the stars*
I love to invite you to take an interstellar trip in the Quantum Field of your reality to be assisted by star beings. Here, you will be guided and access your etheric field to heal your cells, repair genes, rejuvenate, upgrade and elevate your DNA consciousness. This transmission is a life Hyperspace Healing and Activation of your Divine time continuum reality.

We are all born spiritually & forever free!
One was born Spiritual within a human body. The time is here and now to feel, see and experience oneself as the Divine spiritual being having a human experience, not as humans trying to be spiritual. You are Spiritual beings! You just forgot, being Spiritual is to be free and able to create a life of Abundance to experience Oneself noble desires in life, in all trajectory aspects of One's incarnation.
Remember, "You are in this world, but you are not of this world." Being Spiritual doesn't mean being poor or holy, but living in total Abundance. Being Spiritual is to free Oneself from the programs of the Matrix, to be able to shift the conscious mind into higher levels of vibrational frequency, letting behind lack, limitation, poverty consciousness, religious indoctrination, inherited beliefs, Karma, and much more.
It is being said; ONE must ascend and shift into the Fifth Dimension. It doesn't mean that one will be leaving behind their loved ones. Understand that Ascension is only a state of mind within One's heart from where all begins. Know that communications happen with the voice of One's Heart "LOVE" frequency of vibration on the Fifth Dimension. One interacts with all that is within and out of the Matrix.
Remember divine souls God you are; therefore, Ascension is the path of order through which consciousness evolves through a structured multidimensional system. Moreover, the process of dimensional ascension, biological and planetary evolution is the accretion, drawing Golden liquid light frequency bands into the blueprint of who you are. "Your morphogenetic field in the now."Within Parallel realities of time and space, unlimited probabilities within the Matrix, One creates all of the time. One shifts and moves in the subliminal veil of all illusions of the fractal consciousness of One's reality.
♥ Honoring The Earth all of the time! ♥
While entering your super consciousness field, trust your intuition allowing your precious Heart to guide you and assist you in communicating with the intelligent field of your quantum reality. The super consciousness is the part of you that connects to the quantum field; this is not a place. The quantum field is everything; there is no time; therefore, connecting to your superconsciousness will merge you in the quantum field. You will start to know new things, learn new skills. By awakening new abilities, your mind would open new potentials, the possible realities of the Divine that you genuinely are.

Trust in your Heart Always

♥ How the perception of consciousness works;
Understand that the brain and whole body acts as an antenna for consciousness; all of the time, from outside of the body is connected to the etheric field. Consciousness is not in the body or brain. This process allows the connection or communications entering through the body awareness through the so-called physical world of perception. Meaning that Oneself is not the body since the body is the vehicle to experience physicality. One always works from the etheric field into the material world through the body senses of perception.
Allow yourself to permanently,
Awaken your Psychic and Extraordinary Superhuman abilities to fulfill your noble desires in life.