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Remember, you are the Sovereign Ambassador, Representing your Starseed Family on Earth.
Open your mind!
I invite you to stay tuned for my upcoming book...
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Divine souls on planet earth! I am honored to share with you all,
My new book, Flidais Destah, “Where the Fairies Live.”
On sale NOW!
Click on the images of the Characters to find out where to buy a copy.
Flidais Destah
"Where the Fairies Live"
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You will attract low entities in your subconscious mind that will take, without permission, parts of yourself.
You are a frequency match to your body; that's why you are in it. You cannot set the Source aside because you ARE the Source. Your body is the perfect reflection of your focus intention. YOU created it; you designed it. The simple fact can see that you are in it.
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