Divine souls on earth,

It is time to remember that the secrets of the Multiverse within your heart are the encoded information for communication to all sentience beings that exist in the air, in the water, in the fire, and the earth in all parallel realities of time and space.
All you have to do is to be willing to thrive fully to let know others what it is that you’ve discovered beyond the Matrix of your reality and then just relax and trust that you being yourself…
In reality, there is nothing outside of you since the reality you are experiencing is base on your subconscious programs and those of the Matrix, which are manipulating you throughout your electromagnetic devices. Therefore pay attention to what is it that you are vibrating, emanating; what the thoughts you are entertaining, as for this is the reality you are experiencing, and by default, the Multiverse will give you more of that which in many cases you create. The Multiverse is you and nothing else, it doesn't understand your voice, your prayers, your thoughts. Instead, the multiverse reply at the speed of light to your emotions.
We love you very much, divine souls on earth.
Therefore we like to bring to your attention that you are creators at all times. So much that for the multiverse, there is no difference, and it would be the same if you desire to have in your hands a cup of coffee or a million dollars. There is no difference; the only difference is the vibrational connection that you create and entertain to either and how your fears, your beliefs create or prevent you from achieving your divine self-expression.
Listen my beloved creator; I am the Multiverse; remember that you are always individuation of the creator of all that is in the multiverse and more. You were born as a divine being of the light; you just forgot all about, it is my desires, my beloved master, for you to show me your heart desires, do not be afraid to be divinely selfish; how can you help others when you are not able to help yourself.
I am the Multiverse, listen to me divine master and creator of all your reality, In return, I will show you miracles in your mind, soul, and body, remember I am you, and you are me, God lives in your heart as you are, for I am the mighty creator, I am omnipotent love, I am the Multiverse.
Our loving desires are connected with you telepathically, especially at this now time matrix, there is an influx of vibrational frequency that will assist you in many ways. Love is the key, and it is in your heart, divine souls. Our humble reminder is for you to let go and travel deep within your heart matrix to open the gates and the portal of communications as this would be the safest way for you; due to many entities out there pretending to be part of us or other higher guides.
Do not take this warning lightly as for there is nothing else you have to do only to reconnect with the divine that you are, perhaps just listening to the intelligence of your body; if you feel tired just relax, you may feel high geared, you may experience a lot of tingling sensations on your third eye or crown chakras, cravings from your body guiding you to drink citrus, lost of water perhaps other types of food regardless of being vegetarian or not.
We ask you to be kind to yourself to listen, to observe, to scent, to experience all that is; you know when dark thoughts mingle your mind, those thoughts that are based ego; as well we ask you to be aware of the thoughts that are from the light from the heart; expressing every moment your divinity.
Know that you are not alone and never had been; unfortunately, due to the programs of the matrix, most of you continued looking outside of you for answers, and due to the Hollywood movies, many are convinces that we are here to control you.
When in fact, is your government controlling you once again with base fear motives to create disconnection from all of us waiting to make contact with you.
Understand that we live in higher vibrational frequencies; we all are one conscious unity of love and light. Many divine souls on earth vibrate at a deficient vibrational frequency with almost no life force, they are fragile, they need your love as well. We kindly ask of you to love, love among yourselves, to love one to another, to love all that breathes and respires in the air in the water in the fire and the earth.
You all were made and born out of love, Love is an expression of yourself image, love lives for eternity even when you depart from this reality, love is all that exists, open your mind let go your ego, connect with your heart and we would connect with you as for what are you looking for will find you!
Our loving consciousness has been sent into Gaia, looking for those beings that are ready to receive our messages. To take immeasurable care and understand its essence, to share with others and trust that in you love exists, to assist Gaia in her new ascension. Make the best use of these messages reveal to you beloved ones. Make great use of it and be certain of this immeasurable gift, honor yourself, first of all, so you can honor everything that breathes, respires, and whispers in the Multiverse.
I am Mut divine mother of the gods!
From our heart to your heart.