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  • Writer's pictureSonia Salinas

Conversation with Anubis

The ancient Egyptians believed that a human soul was made up of five parts: the Ren, the Ba, the Ka, the Sheut, and the Ib. In addition to these components of the soul, there was the human body (called the ha, occasionally a plural haw, meaning approximately sum of bodily parts).

Why fear occurs when a person's "Ka" soul leaves the body?

To go into the afterlife has been difficult for many, as for their expression of the "Ka" soul it is equally difficult. Here is a Download I like to share with you and those who are listening.

Divine “Ka” soul on earth,

I am the sacred One of the beginning that emanates from inner silence; I am the One who guides you into the afterlife, where the spark of the original creation rebirth anew, to become once again all the divine self-expression of the Creator of all that breathes.

Listen carefully to my creation as for it is where you and I duel in the infinite temple of pure and unconditional love and forever be loved.

Make peace with all those who you had quarrels as for this is the first step to letting go the past. When you forgive, the un-manifested reality of your conscious desires will take place. Unless you make peace with the past, the future will continue to avert oneself to flourish into divine truth.

To forgive, one to another for what may others have done to each other in the past or present. Either consciously or unconsciously, is to forgive oneself. This is perhaps the perception that could be the most everyday frightening experience one lives without peace in the "Ka" soul.

Many had the perception that to die is an even frightened reality than being alive. When in fact it is here where you all had chosen to experience the desires of your existence. Know that to be alive, or dead is the most beautiful expression of continuity, a new beginning to become free anew from all the programmed realities one inherited at birth, the earth imprints, and the alien's programs set on earth for control.

Divine “Ka” soul knows that when you forgive, you had allowed the negative experiences behind and the love for all that exist to take place. Listen to the intelligence of your heart and cease to become deaf to the voices of need in all that breathes. Allow your empathy to ignite the one flame of unconditional love to transcend all parallel realities.

Many have spoken to your hearts, hoping to steer your minds towards much better outcomes. Use the given unusual degree of free-will for it will be together with the elements that sustain and energize your beingness. Be one unity consciousness and the in the multiplicity of the one existence. Choose to achieve greatness towards each other.

Allow your true paradise to be available for you and others in order to sustain your existence. To spread and ignite all that is with the vibrational and pure intelligence of the one heart, “your heart” without exception, because deep is the love I feel for myself, I am in you; you are me; the unconditional love of the One hearth of all.

You were once so beautiful, oh my Beloved, what have you become? A shadow of your past resplendence that is slowly extinguishing your life by itself, I am you, you are me, we are ONE.

When you understand that to become free one must prove it in the highest temple of all, so when you passed into the afterlife, your unlimited essence will forbid all those mischievous beings even in the afterlife to control you no more.

Thanks for listening...

“Ah Ta Ra Sa”

Be divine now and forever

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