Shift global consciousness,
Hello beautiful hearts,
Today I woke up with tears in my eyes I had a dream that I can still feel, I am very aware of me dreams I journal my experiences and my visit to other dimensions. I can detect when the dark ones are harassing me and wake up before they imprint my consciousness with none sense. Even though my senses are very enhanced awake and while on RAM sleep I can see colors, smell, touch speak in different languages, not to mention the wonderful trips I had made to other worlds. Sometimes when the dreams banished before awaken is due to the higher vibrational frequency from higher realms.
As I woke up, I feel more humble I wasn't able to recall my dream this time :(.
Now since we are involved in how we can shift global consciousness,
On my Facebook page, I have posted 10 topics related to how is that humanity is manipulated it called (Awareness and Consciousness). Feel free to read this sad information. Understand that this is not made with the intention of judging, bragging, or do nothing about it. Warning you may feel resentment to those in control.
Instead, love and forgive them, understand that we are here all; to help each other particularly in this group we are to assume the outlook of the loving consciousness of the one heart of all.
Calm, Gentle, loving, standing by, observing and helping when the opportunity arises, without judgment as above so below. Know that everything that is happening even now in this group it is happening for a reason and everything that occurs has a higher purpose.
Spread your life force vibration of unconditional love, love the air you breathe, love the water you drink, love the earth you walk, love the fire that ignites your being to follow your passion only then you will know what is next.
How can you assist earthlings? Consider spreading as wide and far as possible your loving light and presence. Let us start by Forgive.
Forgiveness has an amazing healing power: It has the power to disable any thoughts and emotions of low vibrations. Isn’t that what every sane human being would like to see happen?
Why allow past unpleasant events still to dictate you how to feel and act in the present moment?
Why allow them to spoil the clean air of your present moment with their stinky and polluted emanations?
Why are you holding on for dear life to these poisonous influences? Isn’t it the sign of a serious addiction?
Forgiveness is what allows you to disengage your mental and emotional patterns from these detrimental habits. Forgiveness is what allows you to create open spaces within your being so that they can be filled with new, positive, emotional experiences, like the exciting release of a new movie.
Yes, dear Heart, experiences occur at multiple levels of your being, and these layers are interconnected. Whenever you are struck by an expression of Beauty, feelings of gratitude and appreciation automatically surge into your being and create wonderful emotional and spiritual ‘highs.’ It happens to everyone, whether or not they are aware of their spiritual nature.
Forgive could be compared to severing from your being any attachments to the low of your life as such low exert a strong emotional gravitational pull and prevent you from enjoying your life. You are foremost a spiritual being. Yet, you are the one to decide at which level to spend your life as each level has a direct impact on the quality of your experience.
Forgiveness truly makes you lighter and sets you free. It lifts accumulated debris off your shoulders and hugely facilitates your forward ascension toward your eternal life purpose. Whenever you forgive, you are dumping out of your system emotions whose dead weights have been oppressing you and preventing you from breathing more freely. Don’t you notice how the heavy emotions of grudges and resentment, fear and their likes, speed up your heart rate and shorten your breath?
On the other hand, whenever the healing balm of peace is applied to each layer of your being, your breathing slows down to keep up with this comfortable and soothing emotion. Your heartbeat slows down as well, and a feeling of euphoria moves in.
Such a process does not happen overnight like so many difficult memories, and emotions may have found their way into the confines of your being over the course of your life. You did not know then that you were equipped with a powerful evacuation system: Forgiveness.
Forgiveness recycles these undesirable emotions. It processes them in a healthy way; rather than suppressing them, it allows them to come up to be once and for all dealt with and meet their expiration date. It deflates them and reclaims their mental and emotional territories to landscape them with brighter and more vibrant thoughts and feelings. It is that simple and yet needs to be constantly practiced so as to create new inner patterns.
You may not be able to forgive everything at once, but by setting your intentions on Forgiveness, you will be made aware throughout your days of areas needing attention. You will realize that you have been hoarding a lot of unprocessed emotions and that little by little, you can make a dent in this unhealthy accumulation. You will also learn not to add anything to that junk pile but to discard right away whatever you do not want to see integrated into your being.
Whit all this been said I like to share my mantra with the desire you feel or find the one that ignites you to be the one can transmute the gross in the best way possible for everything that breathes. I say to myself: What great thing would you attempt if you knew you could not fail?

Thank you for listening.